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(1) The association is called KNGO Germany. It should be entered in the register of associations and will then have the addition “e.V.”.

(2) The association is based in Munich.

(3) The financial year is the calendar year.

(1) The association based in Munich pursues exclusively and directly charitable purposes within the meaning of the section “Tax-privileged purposes” of the tax code. 

(2) The purpose of the association is to promote civic engagement for charitable and charitable purposes (Section 52 Paragraph 2 Sentence 25 AO). 

The purpose of the statutes is realized in particular through donations and measures that support the non-governmental organization Khmer New Generation Organization (KNGO for short) in its work in Cambodia.

Particular attention is also paid to non-discriminatory participation in education.

(3) The association operates selflessly; it does not primarily pursue its own economic purposes. 

(4) The association's funds may only be used for statutory purposes. The members do not receive any donations from the association's funds. 

(5) Funds from membership fees are used to cover the costs incurred. Surpluses from membership fees will be donated to KNGO Cambodia after the end of the calendar year. 

(6) Any donations beyond this will be donated entirely to KNGO Cambodia. 

(1) Any (natural/legal) person can become a member of the association.

(2) Admission to the association must be applied for in writing (on paper/electronically) to the board. In the case of minors, the application for admission must be submitted by the legal representative. The board decides on the application for membership at its own discretion. He does not have to give reasons to the applicant if the application is rejected.

(1) Membership in the association ends upon death (in the case of legal entities, their expiry), resignation, exclusion or deletion of the association.

(2) The resignation must be declared in writing to the board. The resignation can only be declared with three months' notice to the end of the financial year.

(3) A member can be excluded from the association by resolution of the general meeting if:

a) culpably seriously damages the reputation or interests of the association or 

b) ​is more than three months in arrears with the payment of his admission fee or membership fees and has not paid the arrears despite a written reminder under threat of exclusion. The member must be given the opportunity to comment on the reasons for the exclusion at the general meeting. These must be communicated to him at least two weeks in advance.

(1) Every member has the right to take part in joint events. Every member has the same right to vote and elect at the general meeting. The majority of votes cast decides when a decision is made.

(2) Every member has the duty to promote the interests of the association, in particular to pay their membership fees regularly and, as far as they are able, to support the life of the association through their cooperation.

(1) Every member must pay an annual membership fee, which is due in advance.

(2) The amount of the admission fee and membership fees is determined by the general meeting.

The organs of the association are the Management Board and the General Meeting.

(1) The board consists of the chairman, his deputy, the treasurer and the secretary.

(2) The chairman, his deputy and the treasurer each represent the association alone.

(3) He is elected by the general meeting for a period of two years. Re-election is possible.

(4) Members of the board do not have to be members of the association.

The association's board of directors is responsible for representing the association in accordance with Section 26 of the German Civil Code (BGB) and for managing its business. In particular, he has the following tasks: 

  • the calling and preparation of the general meetings including the setting of the agenda, 

  • the execution of resolutions of the general meeting, 

  • the management of the club's assets and the preparation of the annual report, 

  • the admission of new members.

(1) The members of the board are elected individually by the general meeting for a period of two years. The re-election or early dismissal of a member by the general meeting is permitted. A member remains in office after the end of the regular term of office until his successor is elected.

(2) If a member leaves the board prematurely, the remaining members of the board are entitled to elect a member of the association to the board until the successor is elected by the general meeting.

(1) The board meets as required. The meetings are called by the chairman or, if he is unable to attend, by his deputy. A notice period of one week should be observed. The board has a quorum if at least two members are present. The majority of valid votes cast decides when a resolution is passed. In the event of a tie, the chairperson's vote decides; if he is unable to attend, that of his deputy chairperson has the deciding vote.

(2) The resolutions of the board must be recorded. The minutes must be signed by the person taking the minutes and by the chairman, or if he is unable to attend, by his deputy or another member of the board. 

The general meeting is responsible for decisions on the following matters: 

a) Changes to the statutes, 

b) determining the membership fees, 

c) the appointment of honorary members and the exclusion of members from the association, 

d) the election and dismissal of the members of the board of directors, 

e) the acceptance of the annual report and the discharge of the board of directors,

f) the dissolution of the association.

(1) The board of directors must convene a regular general meeting at least once a year. The call is made in writing, giving two weeks' notice and stating the agenda.

(2) The board sets the agenda. Any club member can request an addition to the agenda in writing from the board no later than one week before the general meeting. The board decides on the application. The general meeting decides on motions for the agenda that have not been accepted by the board or that are submitted for the first time at the general meeting with a majority of the votes of the members present; This does not apply to applications that concern changes to the statutes, changes to membership fees or the dissolution of the association.

(3) The board must convene an extraordinary general meeting if the interests of the association require it or if at least a tenth of the members request this in writing, stating the purpose and reasons.

(1) The general meeting is chaired by the chairman of the board, if he is unable to attend, by his deputy and, if he is unable to attend, by a chairman of the meeting to be elected by the general meeting.

(2) The general meeting has a quorum if at least a third of all club members are present. If there is no quorum, the board is obliged to call a second general meeting with the same agenda within four weeks. This has a quorum regardless of the number of members present. This must be pointed out in the invitation.

(3) The general meeting decides in an open vote with the majority of the votes of the members present. If no candidate receives the majority of the votes of the members present in elections, the person who receives the majority of the valid votes cast is elected; A runoff election must be held between several candidates. Decisions to change the statutes require a majority of three quarters, the resolution to change the purpose or the dissolution of the association requires the approval of nine tenths of the members present.

(4) Minutes must be drawn up about the course of the general meeting and the resolutions passed, which must be signed by the person taking the minutes and the chair of the meeting.

Association positions are generally carried out on a voluntary basis. No person may benefit from expenses that are alien to the purpose of the corporation or from disproportionately high remuneration. 

(1) In the event of the dissolution of the association, the chairman of the board and his deputy are jointly authorized liquidators, unless the general meeting appoints other people. 

(2) If the association is dissolved or abolished or if tax-privileged purposes cease to exist, the association's assets pass to the non-governmental organization Khmer New Generation Organization Cambodia or its successor organization, which must use it directly and exclusively for non-profit, charitable or church purposes.  ;

(3) The above provisions apply accordingly if the association's legal capacity has been withdrawn.

These statutes come into force on March 25, 2022, the date of receipt at the Munich District Court.

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