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About us

Our club, our team and our mission.

KNGO stands for Khmer New Generation Organization. We are a non-profit association from Germany and promote and support the KNGO Cambodia school project. KNGO Cambodia is a non-governmental organization run by locals.


As an association, we want to help ensure that disadvantaged children, teenagers and young adults have access to free, non-discriminatory serviceshave loose participation in education.


Our history

Why was KNGO Germany e.V. founded?


Georg's desire to get involved socially brought him into contact with the organization “Khmer New Generation Organization”, or KNGO Cambodia for short. The organization provides disadvantaged children and young people in Cambodia with free and non-discriminatory access to education. Georg worked locally at KNGO Cambodia as a teacher for some time, and he was so fond of the contact that it didn't break off even after his first assignment in 2015.


Georg remembers one student in particular: In class, she always attracted attention with her cheerful, fun nature. Only later did he find out that she had a difficult fate - she was infected with HIV and had only a short life expectancy. It is encounters like these with children that are touching.


In November 2021, Georg founded the association KNGO Germany e.V. to work on the umbrella organization in Cambodia from Germany.


Georg, Tina, Kerstin, Carsten, Hubert, Timo and Victor were the members from the very beginning and founded the club. Michael, Mela, Vera and Daniela joined us during 2022. 


The idea of founding the association arose from the motivation of wanting to share something of our Western standards and supporting an organization that receives 100% of donations. That's why we decided to support the non-governmental organization Khmer New Generation Organization Cambodia (KNGO).


Our goal is to collect at least as many donations every year to ensure the educational operations of KNGO Cambodia. All donations in excess of this will be used without deductions to expand the educational program and expand the KNGO School campus. 


We are also pleased about the active and constructive cooperation with our Australian sister association KNGO Australia. And the valuable support from our partners.

Our team

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