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Our vision

We are convinced of the principle of “helping people to help themselves” and take into account the various UN goals for sustainable development in our work: 

Image of the United Nations Goal 1 - No Poverty
Image of the United Nations Goal 2 - No Hunger
Image of the United Nations Goal 3 - Health and Well-Being
Image of the United Nations Goal 4 - Quality Education
Image of the United Nations Goal 5 - Gender Equality

KNGO Germany e.V. aims to give every child in the community access to free education.

Community  means everyone from the village of Odambang, especially those who were unable to go to school for a long time due to the pandemic.

For free means no school fees, free school uniform and teaching materials. School meals are not included so as not to deprive local traders of their source of income.

Education means attending classes until you graduate for the first time.

We are a German, non-profit association and tax-exempt in Germany. Donors can deduct the donated money and membership fees from their taxable income.

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